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  • Am I eligible for services for childcare?
    Anyone can apply for child care. We have locations throughout Harlem, Washington Heights, and the Bronx. Families who want to apply for child care in the FCCN cannot receive cash assistance. If they apply, they will get denied by ACS early learn, it is best to speak to your HRA case worker on how you can find child care.
  • What services and experiences do Head Start programs ensure enrolled children and families receive?
    Education Services Individualized learning programs Evidence and research-based curriculum Inclusion of children with special needs Family literacy activities Alignment of curriculum and assessments Goals for school readiness Health Services Medical, dental, vision, and hearing screenings & referrals Nutrition services Health education Mental health screening and referrals Assistance in establishing a medical and dental home Family Services Parent, family, and community engagement Links to community resources Family goal setting and parenting education Leadership opportunities through parent council involvement Parent education programs Support during the transition from Head Start to public schools
  • If I have anymore questions, am I able to reach out or read your parent handbook on this site?
  • How long will I be on the waitlist?
    There is no specific timeframe for how long you will remain on the waitlist. Enrollment is based on availability in the program/center you have chosen and selection is based on priority points assigned at time of application.
  • Does my child have to be potty trained?
    No, Head Start does not require a child to be potty trained for enrollment. Potty training is an important milestone in your child’s development. For many parents, it can also seem like one of the toughest parenting challenges.
  • How do teachers communicate with the parents daily? For example, do you use any digital platforms to communicate?
    Teachers are accessible daily for communication with parents during drop-off and pick-up times. Parents can reach teachers via their West Harlem email or by calling the center to request a formal meeting. Additionally, we conduct home visits twice a year and hold parent-teacher conferences three times a year.
  • What health services do Head Start and Early Head Start programs help families access for the enrolled children?
    Children receive a medical screening, are checked for immunizations, and receive an oral health screening. Children are referred for treatment when indicated by the results of the screenings. Efforts are made to assist families in obtaining ongoing sources of continuous, accessible medical and dental care.
  • Does your school have cameras?
    We have cameras in all our classrooms as well as our common spaces. The cameras are viewed and monitored by The Executive Directors, The Family Child Care Network Director, The Director of Education and Disabilities, and the Director of Family Services, Health and Nutrition.
  • Am I eligible for Head Start & Early Head Start?
    Children and pregnant women from families with low-incomes may be eligible to participate and may enroll through a locally established selection process based upon income at or below the poverty line and other needs. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services annually establishes Poverty Guidelines. Children in foster care or experiencing homelessness, receiving public assistance, and children with developmental disabilities are also eligible to be considered for participation. At least 10% of a program’s enrollment must be children with disabilities.
  • What are your hours of operation?
    Our program hours are from 8 am to 6pm. School hours are from 8:30 am to 3:30pm. Children enrolled in the Family Child Care Program have the option to be enrolled from 8am to 6pm.
  • In what event will the center be closed? Do you close for the weather?
    In the event we have to close West Harlem due to building issues, staff development, staffing, or a holiday/break, we will notify the families by email, noted on calendar/teacher boards, and my phone calls/text messages. When schools are closed due to inclement weather the Department of education, we will also close our doors. Make sure your email address & phone number is up to date and correct with your teacher or family advocate.
  • How much does the program cost?
    The Early Head Start & Head Start program is at no cost to the family. Income is not the only eligibility criterion. Other at-risk factors, such as homelessness and foster care are some of the determining factors for eligibility. Family Advocates can best answer these questions when you call. The Family Child Care Program is income based, and the weekly fee is determined by ACS Early Learn.
  • Do you provide support services if needed?
    If a child needs support services in the classroom, we will work together with the parent, our mental health consultant, the teachers, the Director of Education and Disabilities as well as our Executive Director to create a plan to support the child’s needs and development. We have created partnerships with the Committee of Preschool Special Education of New York City. As well as with experienced Occupational Therapists. Speech Therapist, and Special Education Itinerant Teachers (SEIT).
  • What does a daily schedule look like?
    In our center-based program, our daily schedule includes various activities: Arrival and dismissal Center time Small group activities Music and movement activities Outdoor playtime Naptime Meal times (breakfast, lunch, and snack) Special activities like: New York Public Library visits twice a month for a read-aloud and related activity Bilingual Birdies music program teaches Spanish through music and movement Studio in a School program introduces teachers and students to diverse art mediums for exploration and engagement. In our home based group care setting, our daily schedule will include: Free Choice Activities Meal Times (Breakfast, Lunch and Snack) Circle Time Small Group Activities Gross Motor Activities (Indoors or Outside, Weather Permitting) Story Time Rest Time Music and Movement Sensory Exploration
  • Do I need to bring lunch?
    No, we provide lunch and a snack for every child. Our facilities are all nut-free and our meals follow nutritional guidelines for healthy eating. If your family has special dietary or religious concerns, please reach out to us.
  • Does my child need a flu vaccine? COVID vaccine?
    Between July 1 and December 31, all children ages 6 months to 59 months must receive one dose of flu vaccine if they attend day care, Head Start, pre-K or nursery school. The Covid vaccine is not mandatory to be enrolled in Head Start. All NYC students ages 2 months to 18 years must receive certain vaccinations. That includes children in public, private or parochial school, as well as those in day care, Head Start, pre-K or nursery school. Any child who does not meet these requirements will be sent home from school.The only children who do not require vaccination are those with medical exemptions. There are no religious exemptions for vaccination requirements in New York. Visit your health care provider before school starts to get your child vaccinated.
  • Are you affiliated with the NYC Board of Education?
    Our center-based program is not affiliated with the NYC Board of Education as we are federally funded by the Office of Head Start. Our Family Child Care Providers speak a mixture of French (Wolof) and Spanish.
  • How many students are in a classroom? How many teachers?
    We typically have 15 children in each Threes Class and 20 students in the threes/ Fours Class. We have 3 teachers per classroom, but we least two teachers (one head teacher and one assistant) per classroom. There are 8 children in a Two Year old classroom with at least 2 teachers.
  • Do you have after school?
    At no cost to the family, our extended day is from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. It is only for current children whose parents are in school or working and is unable to pick up at 3:30pm
  • Does my child have to wear a uniform?
    No, your child does not need to wear uniform. We do recommend dressing your child according to the weather.
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